Oct 14, 2024

This beautiful 125 Acre property (Approx size), houses close to 1,000 staff and students per quarter. That lovely little arrow is where we stay, it's a Cozy dorm style room and thankfully has it's own bathroom. Our daily schdule is pretty rigorous and ranges from in class activities, prayer, meditation, work duties, various readings, journaling and can't forget the food, could propbably add to the list but hopfully you get the picture. Most evenings and weekends are pretty free which is nice cause well, it is Hawaii.
This little master piece was taken near the base on a littl outting this past weekend. Most people just pass by and or keep on driving and i get it. See things like this are a common occurance here, any givin day you could see up to 3, But to us..... this was breathe taking, worth a slight detour just to get the shot.
At times it does seem stressful with what feels like so much to do in a short time to do it in, we could just let these moments pass us by........but why. What is the hurry ALL THE TIME. I end with this, one of the spearkers this week shared a simple yet very difficult quote. "SLOW DOWN, Enjoy the journey, it goes by fast", now i share it with you. I cant help but think of all i may have missed out on over the past 13-14 years longing to be back with my YWAM family. As i sit writting it seems like just yesterday i was here. G-d help me to slow down.

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